FHGR University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons

As an agile organization, the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR) is committed to dynamic thinking and proactive behavior. This mindset and a proactive and sustainable approach are applied to shaping the future. In this way, we help an excess of 2,300 students become highly qualified and responsible individuals.
HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – School of Business

The Lucerne School of Business is the competence center for demanding, practice-relevant and scientifically sound education and training. Our projects move in a dialogue between science, business and the public and make relevant contributions to economic and social development.
KFH Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland – Department of Business and Management

The institutes and competence centers of the economics department of the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences offer you a well-founded training and further education program. The numerous national and international partnerships with universities, companies and educational partners from business, administration and health guarantee networked and practice-oriented degrees.
HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich

We offer you a wide range of courses, lots of practice and good networking. Invest in yourself and your future.
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland – School of Business

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland – School of Business sees itself as an educational institution for future business and social leaders. We operate five Bachelor of Science and two Master of Science courses, six institutes, the International Office and two offices for the Asian region.