FFHS Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences
The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (Fernfachhochschule Schweiz – FFHS) is a nationally recognised university. Since 1998, it has been offering part-time Bachelor and Master’s degrees and continuing education programmes. With more than 20 years of experience in distance learning, it is the leading e-learning university in Switzerland and is an alternative for students looking to combine work, family and study.
FFHS has four locations in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Brig. It has 170 employees and more than 500 lecturers who communicate their specialist knowledge to the round 2,800 students (status: 2022) in a practice-oriented manner. In its four research institutes, FFHS performs application-oriented research in the areas of web science, management & innovation, health and e-learning under a performance mandate from the federal government.
Since 2004, FFHS has been affiliated to the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana – SUPSI) and incorporated into its overall strategy.
Since 2017, FFHS has had a UNESCO Chair of Personalised and Adaptive Distance Education.

Degree programs
The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences is the only university of applied sciences in Switzerland whose degree programs are all based on a blended-learning approach: Students can complete 80 percent of their studies via an online learning platform. Only about 20 percent are face-to-face classes at one of the four Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences campuses.
Combining online studies and face-to-face classes allow students to remain flexible and combine studying for a university degree with a job, family, and sports activities. The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences offers a total of six Bachelor’s degree programs (Bachelor of Science) and one Master’s degree program (Master of Science).
Continuing Education
“Work 4.0” constantly requires new knowledge and skills. Whether technical, social, or psychological, they all call for networked thinking and the ability to acquire knowledge efficiently. The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences specializes in imparting knowledge efficiently (allowing part-time study) and in ways that are practical and, for the most part, not restricted to a location. We offer over 70 continuing education courses related to business, technology, ICT, health, and e-education. Our lecturers are proven specialists in their respective fields with a solid scientific background.
They build on extensive practical experience from their ongoing professional activities. This allows them to continuously integrate trends and developments from the business world into their classes.
In addition to conducting application-oriented research, the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences research institutes offer their expertise to the private and the public sectors and jointly develop new concepts with their partners.
Blended learning is the core competence of the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences. The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences supports partners who want to establish their own e-learning programs in a process that starts with an idea and progresses to include an e-learning platform as well as the development and delivery of content.
Research & Development
The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences conducts application-oriented research & development in web science, management and innovation, health, and e-learning. It closes the gap between science and industry through targeted knowledge and technology transfer. At the same time, it meets the federal government’s performance mandate while continuously integrating its findings into its study programs – whether in the form of special subjects, continuing education courses, or case studies.

Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS)
Schinerstrasse 18
3900 Brig
Schinerstrasse 18
CH-3900 Brig
Tel. +41 (0)27 510 38 00
Zollstrasse 17
8005 Zürich
Tel. +41 (0)44 512 09 00
Welle 7
Schanzenstrasse 5
3008 Bern
Tel. +41 (0)27 510 38 00
c/o NSH Bildungszentrum Basel
Elisabethenanlage 9
CH – 4051 Basel
Tel. +41 (0)61 202 12 02